Get Involved

Founded in the fall of 2018, the Noyes Elementary Parent Teacher Organization’s purpose is:

★ Increase community and parent involvement with Noyes Elementary School

★ Fundraise in support of Noyes Elementary School priorities

★ Organize parent volunteers


Since our formation, we have worked closely with Noyes’ wonderful teachers, leadership, and families to:


· Host Open Houses for community and prospective families

· Started Noyes Play Dates on 1st Saturday of each month (suspended in April and until further notice)

· Partnering with Brookland area businesses

· Started Noyes Tutoring Program in Summer of 2019 connecting dozens of students with wonderful community members who volunteer their time

· Swim ‘N School with Brookland Swim Academy at Trinity University (suspended)

· Started Noyes Movie Nights (we look forward to scheduling more in the fall of 2020)

· Teacher Appreciation Week

· Creating a Teacher Special Projects Fund

· Fundraise for Noyes priorities including the Noyes Online Auction (November), valentine cookie sales, skate night, T-shirts and food sales

· Assisting with new branding for Noyes Elementary School

· Support for Noyes website:

· Coordinating on the new Noyes Gardens (2020)

We are also working on many other improvements for Noyes. Priorities include:

  •  Before School Care options
  •  Childcare on professional development days
  •  New / renewed playgrounds
  •  Implementing the RiverSmart Schools program and expanding the Noyes Gardens

If you are interested in volunteering, supporting or contributing to the Noyes PTO, please feel free to email us at [email protected].

The Noyes PTO typically meets every other month on the 1st Thursday of January, March, May, September, and November, from 5:30-6:30pm in the Noyes Elementary Library. Dinner and childcare are provided. Food and fellowship begins at 5:10pm in the Library.