School Partnerships

At Noyes Elementary School, we provide the following services:
Ms.Chantal Achu School, Nurse and Health Services:  

  • Assist students with chronic illnesses that require ongoing prescribed medical treatment including monitoring blood sugar levels, administering tube feedings and performing catheterizations.
  • Conduct health screenings and make referrals for various conditions including vision, hearing and scoliosis.
  • Provide health assessments and referrals for health problems and medical conditions.
  • Control communicable diseases by ensuring all students are immunized in accordance with the District of Columbia laws and regulations.
  • Identify suspected child abuse, illegal drug use or depression and determine appropriate intervention. 

Ms. Brittany Faulk, School Social Worker:

  • Behavioral Support Services (BSS) to students with Individualized Education Programs (IEP) and 504 plans. 
  • Social emotional support to general education students
  • Social Histories and Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs)
  • Behavior Intervention Planning
  • School crisis response and recovery
  • Service documentation
  • Homeless liaison support
  • Attendance Intervention

Ms. Peggy Peagler, School Psychologist:

  • Designing appropriate intervention models for students
  • Progress monitoring
  • Conducting extensive classroom observations, clinical interviews, and record reviews
  • Completing comprehensive psychological evaluations
  • Participating in MDT, IEP, SST, 504, and manifestation meetings

Ms. Tania Motiki, Speech-Language Services:

Speech-Language Pathologists identify children with specific disorders and delays related to language communication, and provide therapy to help these students overcome the impact of these challenges on their academic success. This includes completing diagnostic assessments to determine the presence/absence of a communication disorder, and providing support in areas of articulation, language, voice and/or fluency. In addition, additional support may include the use of technology to help students become more independent, such as devices that assist non-verbal students with communication.

Speech language pathologists work closely with teachers and parents to build speech-language skills and help students apply those skills to all learning opportunities by reinforcing strategies in the classroom and at home.

Ms. Anika Clarke, Occupational Therapy: 

Occupational therapists and physical therapists work with the educational team to support a child’s ability to gain access to the general education curriculum, meet state standards, make adequate yearly progress, participate in postsecondary education, and become functional independent citizens upon graduation.

In school-based practice, both OTs and PTs view disability in terms of the ways in which a child is faced with activity limitations and participation restrictions instead of focusing on projected limitations of a singular diagnosis, disease, or disorder. The child’s activity limitations and participation restrictions experienced in gaining access to the educational program are assigned a high priority.